Would you like to know what we can do for you?

Please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to make an appointment with you.

You can reach by filling in the contact form below.

Information & Administration for temporary workers:
You can reach us at: +32 2 211 08 90
or send an e-mail to: be.info@gigroup.com


How do we get in touch with you?

If you applied for a job with us via the website, you provide us with your telephone number and email address. We will then contact you by telephone or send you an e-mail message via our company e-mail addresses that includes @gigroup.com and a Gi Group signature.

Did we received your information via a job platform? We will then send you a message via that platform or if your e-mail is visible, we will send you an e-mail.

We can also contact you via LinkedIn (Inmessage). Our colleagues always have the correct company name in their work experience. If you click on the company page, you can always check whether our colleague actually works there.

We never contact you via a Telegram message.

Have you been approached and are you unsure whether the person is really an employee of Gi Group? Please contact us at be.info@gigroup.com.




    > Read the privacy policy